How Hypnosis Can Help
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The information below describes how the use of hypnosis is applied to Personal Development as a frame of reference for those considering hypnosis. The information presented was researched by the National Guild of Hypnotists educational facility and is offered on this site with permission by ►Frances Carns, ND as a member in good standing.
The Hypnosis Services we offer are by no means restricted to those that are presented on this page. If an issue you are facing is not addressed, please call for a FREE phone evaluation to learn if hypnosis is an appropriate tool for your situation.
No Diets, New Foods, Willpower
“Once the weight loss is achieved, the client celebrates by enjoying a reward meal of favorite tastes. At this point there often begins an upward weight trend which can recover all of the lost weight and even add a few pounds more.
“Therefore, our approach is that the client, if such is personal enjoyment, may eat steak and potatoes, or perhaps spaghetti and meatballs – whatever is most desired. The only difference is that, through the effects of hypnosis, a much lesser amount of food will be desired and consumed.
“The advantage is that since no enjoyable foods are denied, nothing is given up; there is no need to desire to return to foods that have been forbidden. The client simply continues to eat what has been enjoyed all along, except the quantities are vastly reduced and through hypnosis the appetite is fully satisfied with modest portions of food.”
The above scenario and weight reduction program is just one of the many that utilize the powers and benefits of hypnosis to enable a client to take off unwanted pounds and keep them off. In this program, the client need not give up enjoying cocktails or hors d’oeuvres at a party. The client will enjoy one of whatever is served, but on completion of such “taste” will be completely satisfied, neither desiring nor accepting further offerings. The hostess is satisfied that her efforts have been appreciated. Everybody wins!
The above procedure is particularly effective with people whose excess weight is from overeating, especially where the habit involves multiple helpings at meals. There are those whose excess weight is due to physiological causes. Such cases may require medical intervention.
However, where the undesirable weight is due to overeating, metabolism is likely much less involve than the mind. Changing thoughts and attitudes of the mind can lead to major changes in life. It can be very helpful, therefore, to determine what may be the causes of a tendency to overeat.
Sometimes the information is evident or well-known. Other times it may be suppressed, buried in some incident or event of the past for which overeating provides a sense of compensation or relief from pressures or anxieties, lacks in life, grief, anger, or other emotions, sometimes dating back to childhood. Regression under hypnosis is often effective in ferreting out causes, and sometimes even the simple understanding of causes can result in elimination of the problem.
Why People Overeat
Helpful to the hypnotist are lists answering such questions as WHEN overeating usually takes place – what psychological or emotional activity is associated with excess eating, and what usual time of day or night. WHERE the overeating is one is important – at home, at parties, in restaurants, while watching television, etc. And WHY (for what purpose or to satisfy what need) is also a factor in understanding the problem.
The consideration of the above-mentioned matters leads to the establishment of three goals: to achieve the desired weight loss; to maintain the desired weight once it is achieved; to adopt permanently the new habit patterns that make the first two goals possible.
Programming For Success
The client’s self-esteem and confidence will be evaluated and fortified as necessary to achieve a positive outlook and the ability to visualize mentally the perfect, desired body structure, at the appropriate weight and with physical modifications important to the client.
The client’s attitude toward food, overeating and related satisfactions will be altered to reduce the conceived importance of food as it relates to feelings of well-being.
The client’s food interests and tastes will be modified to increase desire for healthy foods with appropriate nutrition, and reduce the desire for foods high in fats and other harmful elements. Emphasis will be placed on such matters as quantity consumption, special tastes (sweet tooth enjoyment) and negative calorie foods (wherein digestion requires more calorie burn-up than the total calories in the foods consumed).
Finally, programming will deal with such behavioral matters as establishing times, places, and patterns for future eating, elimination of harmful habits, and positive reinforcement for relief from stress or anxiety factors or other causal elements which may require hypnotic desensitization.
It must be kept in mind that very slow reduction in weight is the safest procedure. Weight will and should come off very slowly – perhaps two pounds per week on an average. Much reinforcement of the programming can be accomplished by tapes specifically created to save time and money for the client.
The hypnosis information presented on this site was researched by the National Guild of Hypnotists educational facility and is distributed here with permission as a public information service by ►Frances Carns, ND as a member in good standing.
Hypnosis Services rendered at Angels at Work are offered as non-therapeutic hypnotism, defined as the use of hypnosis to inculcate positive thinking and the capacity for self-hypnosis. Services are not represented as any form of health care or psychotherapy, and despite research to the contrary, by law we make no medical health benefit claims for hypnosis services. ►Hypnosis Services are not intended to replace evaluation and treatment of medical or mental health conditions by your health care provider.