Women’s Day Retreat at Letchworth aawhealthctr2025-03-01T13:15:17-05:00 On this journey in the “Grand Canyon of the East”, you will experience a profound metamorphosis as you transform and [...] Women’s Day Retreat at Letchworthaawhealthctr2025-03-01T13:15:17-05:00
Women’s Support Group aawhealthctr2022-09-16T17:13:51-04:00 Join us for a Women’s Support Group facilitated by Dr.Fran Carns to address day-to-day challenges faced by women [...] Women’s Support Groupaawhealthctr2022-09-16T17:13:51-04:00
Worm Moon & Wolf Medicine aawhealthctr2021-02-01T12:34:00-05:00 Join Dr. Fran Carns for a workshop using the full Worm Moon in March and Wolf Medicine to harness energies [...] Worm Moon & Wolf Medicineaawhealthctr2021-02-01T12:34:00-05:00