Participating in this retreat, you will be guided on one of the most empowering experiences of your life with Frances Carns
Join Frances Carns for this one-day Spiritual retreat as she guides you through a profound transformation to reach your authentic self. Using the insight from your own intuition and from Spirit will bring harmony and balance into your life as you open to trust the universe and all relations.
Participating in this retreat, you will be guided on one of the most empowering experiences of your life with Frances Carns. She has been awakening people for over 45 years. Known by many as “Medicine Woman”, she was given the name “One Who Brings Hope” many years ago.
Retreat Itinerary
Your itinerary for this retreat is presented below.
Note that short, periodic breaks will also be taken throughout the day.
Note that short, periodic breaks will also be taken throughout the day.
Saturday, March 4th
9:00 am
Retreat Begins
12:00 pm
Lunch Break
4:00 pm
Retreat Concludes
Retreat Highlights
Scroll down the page to review retreat highlights or use the links below to jump to a specific highlight section:
►New Year – New You |
►Lifestyle Changes |
►Spiritual Enlightenment |
►Psychic Awareness |
►Tapping Intuition |
►Journey To the Past |
►Path of Discovery |
►Getting In Touch |
►About Fran Carns |
Join Frances Carns for this one-day Spiritual retreat as she guides you through a profound transformation to reach your authentic self. Using the insight from your own intuition and from Spirit will bring harmony and balance into your life as you open to trust the universe and all relations.
New Year ▪ New You
These past few years have been incredibly challenging, as we all know. This workshop presents a unique way to understand how Spiritual empowerment can help you work through the specific challenges you face. Take this opportunity to focus on yourself with a New Year’s resolution to bring in a New Year, and a New You!
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Let’s face it: most of us say we “don’t have time”. I think most of us dislike New Year’s resolutions because we know we will “fail” at meeting our lofty expectations, and we are usually right. Losing a certain amount of weight, working out at the gym more often, cutting out sugar, etc. are usually futile attempts at making ourselves better in some way.
But what if we attached Spiritual resolutions to our lives, and somehow connected what we do or don’t do with a deeper meaning and purpose? Whether or not you participate in the culture’s definition of setting goals for the New Year, you can start anytime and start over anytime. Your mission then, instead of being solely goal-focused, allows you to also ponder on the deeper meanings of your life’s work.
Lifestyle Changes
We begin by helping to balance the mind, body, and spirit. This workshop will awaken you to a positive lifestyle change and show you how to take control over:
A healthy lifestyle is not just about maintaining a healthy weight or doing “this or that”. It’s about the overall wellness of your “whole” being of Mind, Body, and Spirit.
You will walk away with powerful tools to help you achieve and maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle. Some of these tools include:
- the basics of natural health and nutrition
- getting to the root causes of your distractions.
- not leaking away your personal power,
- changing familiar, unhealthy patterns
- learning how to use Self-Hypnosis
Spiritual Enlightenment

Working with your intuitive abilities will teach you to recognize messages from Spirit and trust the information channeled as sacred truth. You will learn how spirit guides give us new insight and creativity while teaching us about spiritual values, You will also learn to recognize subtle or dramatic energy shifts that help us understand our inner goals and give us direction on our path.
Psychic Awareness
You will learn about your psychic centers, the Chakras, and understand how these energy centers are gateways that connect, permeate, and inform all that exists. Learning to properly open and use the Chakras allows you to perceive and channel information from Spirit.
- How to open and effectively use your psychic centers
- How to ground and center yourself and why it is important
- How to tap into and strengthening your intuition
- How to develop and trust your connection with Spirit
Tapping Intuition
You will learn how to tap into your own intuitive abilities and learn how to use them in your daily life. These gifts can be used to enrich your spirituality as well as to become more connected to the feelings of others, and to increase your own sense of self.
- How to and develop and trust your inner truth by creating sacred space for spiritual focus and connecting with your inner self to bring harmony and balance into your life.
- How to recognize subtle or dramatic energy shifts that have an effect on your current life experiences and those yet to reveal themselves on your life’s path.
Journey To The Past
Take a journey into past experiences that may have led you emotionally, mentally, and spiritually down the road to fears. These fears that lurk within the soul are there to motivate you – to bring them to your awareness so that change can begin.
- Learn to make peace with the past and the present by giving yourself permission to let go.
- Learn how knowing what the soul is holding on to is knowing what no longer is working for you.
Path of Discovery
Discover that your path is a link between you and Great Spirit, and that knowledge is the wisdom that comes from pure experience.
Participate in group activities along
with singing, chanting, and drumming to clear out your energy fields. |
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You will come to understand that there is no right or wrong, bad or good, no judgment or criticism –these thoughts and feelings lead you to feel guilt and will lead you to a path of unhealthy choices of distractions.
Getting In Touch
Get in touch with your authentic self and how you have created images of who you feel you need to be versus who you really are. We teach people how to treat us, but most of all, we teach ourselves how to treat ourselves. What you have grown to learn has led you to your teaching.
- Awaken the child within
- Accept the grace of all experiences as they unfold
- Release and surrender that which serves no purpose
- Learn to center by sorting your path
- Honor the relationship of path and vision by accepting your chosen path
Frances Carns
Frances Carns has been providing quality programs and services to the greater Rochester community in upstate NY since 1994 when, guided by Spirit, she founded Angels At Work.
Angels At Work is a holistic health center dedicated to promoting an integrated approach to wellness. Holistic philosophy embodies the whole (body, mind, and spirit), informs the relationship between lifestyle choices and wellness, and inspires individuals to accept responsibility for their own level of well-being.
Fran Carns brings a different approach and a unique perspective to Spirituality. In addition to providing programs and services to her home community, she has presented her life-altering workshops in several states across the country. and is an internationally renowned clairvoyant and visionary.
Participant or customer feedback for this event or special offer is presented below for your consideration. If you are leaving feedback for others to review: we value your comments and appreciate your time. ►Email addresses required to post feedback are not displayed for public view or used to send unsolicited email.