Join ►Frances Carns, ND as she awakens you to your intuitive abilities and helps you develop a connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels in this two-part workshop on Psychic Development and Activating Your Psychic Centers.
Part I: Psychic Development

Working with your intuitive abilities will teach you to recognize messages from Spirit and trust the information channeled as sacred truth. You will also learn to recognize subtle or dramatic energy shifts that have an effect on your current life experiences and those yet to reveal themselves on your life’s path. Using the insight from your intuition and from Spirit will bring harmony and balance into your life as you open to trust the universe and all relations.

You will learn about:
  • Your psychic centers and opening your gateways (Chakras)
  • The energy field around you and all that exists
  • How to ground and center yourself and why it is important
  • Tapping in to and strengthening your intuition
  • Developing and trusting your connection with Spirit
Part II: Activating Your Psychic Centers

In Activating Your Psychic Centers, you’ll take a step deeper into developing your psychic awareness. Part II will focus on activating the seven energy centers of your auric body, known as Chakras, through which psychic information is both sent and received.

Chakras (meaning “wheel” in Sanskrit) are the funnel-like configurations in the structures of the body’s energy field with which healers work and exist on each of the seven levels of the auric field. You will learn to identify the seven major chakras, learn to relate to them by name, color, and auric body association, and to work through the energy of each chakra by using opening and closing techniques.

You will also learn about four receptive areas we all have within ourselves that we use daily without realizing it:  our Feelings, our Intuition , our Hearing, and our Vision. You will also participate in exercises to discern advantages, disadvantages, strengths, weaknesses, and psychic energies of these areas.

All participants will go home with a workbook to assist in continuing the development of intuitive abilities on your own.
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